A Burnt Offering

HOLOCAUST: “(1)…a sacrifice completely consumed by fire; burnt offering….; (2) the systematic mass slaughter of European Jews in Nazi concentration camps during World War II….” (definition of “holocaust” by Dictionary.com) BURNT: definition of the word “burnt” (Hebrew Olah) in the term “burnt offering” and it’s equivalent “burnt sacrifice” in the...

Washed in the Blood

It’s been many years since I saw the famous “light” associated with near-death experiences. I was within 20 to 30 minutes of dying in an airtight elevator when I began to fear that I would go to Hell because surely the “all seeing light” would pick up the dark spots...

To and Fro

In the Bible, not only is the aggressiveness of destruction expressed by the term “to and fro” (Joel 2:9, KJV) but also the intensity of godly pursuit (Zechariah 4:10). The one describes the LORD’S army that has come to destroy utterly; the other describes God’s benevolent pursuit of his people...

The Whole Creation Groans

With a deep sense of hopelessness, Pilate groaned as he said to Jesus, “What is truth?” Feel the weight of despair in his words. Jesus had said to him, “I have come to bear witness to the Truth.” Here was—as it still is—the great cultural and experiential divide separating humans...

Fall Feasts & Jubilee

Two biblical times intertwine in my understanding to guide me in the ongoing development of my life.  Both are prophetic and both are contemporary:  future and now.  Together they move me along lines of God’s purpose for my life.  I trust that you will discern similar motions for your life....

Sabbath: Resting in God

Shin Bet Tav. These Hebrew letters form the Hebrew root that means repose--desist from exertion--cease--celebrate--and other expressions having to do with an alternation from labor and production to rest and dormancy. [Strong, 7673 et al] The weekly sabbath is the first of the appointed festivals of the Lord in Leviticus 23--an...

Word Up from Bron: Omer

In this month’s Kaleidoscope, Dr. Sarvadi introduced us to “omer,” quite an unusual word. The truth is, Scripture is filled with unusual words—primarily in the ancient language in which it was written—Hebrew. The word “omer” occurs five times in the Bible; in Exodus 16, Leviticus 23, Deuteronomy 24, Job 24...

Divine Time

The Omer As "Gathering" The omer (which literally refers to a sheaf of reaped grain) occurs in five chapters of the Tanakh:  Exodus 16; Leviticus 23; Deuteronomy 24; Job 24; and Ruth 2. Its first usage in Exodus deals with the gathering of manna. Manna was described as being similar...