JR 100
Discovering Jesus in the Covenants & Rituals – January 13th – March 31st, 2025
Every Monday evening at 7:00pm on Zoom
The purpose of this course is to help the student understand the various covenants in the Hebrew Scriptures with a special emphasis on the blood covenant. The student learns the basic blood covenant ritual and God revealed it to Adam, Abraham, Moses and the prophets as a picture of the blood of the everlasting covenant He has made for us through Messiah Jesus.
JR 200
Discovering Jesus in the Sabbaths and Feasts – Dates TBA
JR 300
Israel and the Nations in History and Prophesy – Dates TBA
JR 400
Jesus and the first Century Church
Every Monday evening at 7:00pm on Zoom
The purpose of this course is to help the student understand the various covenants in the Hebrew Scriptures with a special emphasis on the blood covenant. The student learns the basic blood covenant ritual and God revealed it to Adam, Abraham, Moses and the prophets as a picture of the blood of the everlasting covenant He has made for us through Messiah Jesus.
JR 500
Judaism and Christianity: Abraham to the Holocaust
Every Monday evening at 7:00pm on Zoom
The purpose of this course is to help students understand the history of the Jewish people from the call of Abraham, through the First Testament, between the Testaments, the New Testament, the Roman era, and Christian-Jewish history from Constantine through the Holocaust. This is God’s redemptive history of His people, both Jews and Christians.
JR 600
Judaism and Christianity: Faith, Customs, and Traditions – September 9th – November 25th
Every Monday evening at 7:00pm on Zoom
This course will help the student understand basic Jewish beliefs and practices and how they relate to Christianity and the Messiah. Students discover how Biblical Judaism and Biblical Christianity are the same while learning how they differ based on ancient traditions and practices that are important to both faiths today.