“Then Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, each took his censer and put fire in it, put incense on it, and offered profane fire before the LORD, which He had not commanded them. So fire went out from the LORD and devoured them, and they died before the LORD.” (Leviticus 10:1-2)
This is similar to when Uzzah touched the ark to steady it and died before the LORD as the ark was returning on a cart from the Philistines to Israel. (2 Samuel 6:6-7)
A remarkable story came out of the Brownsville, Florida revival years ago that illustrates the reality of the intense Presence of God. A florist was bringing an arrangement into the sanctuary of the church during the day. The great revival had been going nightly for a long time. The florist asked the receptionist where the arrangement should be placed. She directed the florist to put the flowers on the platform in the sanctuary. So the florist went into the sanctuary to place the flowers.
After a long time, the florist emerged from the sanctuary, terrified. She said to the receptionist, “What’s in there?” The receptionist asked, “What do you mean?” The florist said, “I’ve been trying to get out of there for all this time. I’ve had to crawl along the wall just to move my body to get out.” The receptionist then told the florist that she was being overwhelmed by the manifested power of God that resides in the building as a result of the intense gatherings of the revival.
It is important to know how you are to conduct yourself in the manifest Presence of God. Cleanse your heart and purify your mind before you enter the Sanctuary of God. Ask Him to help you behave yourself in a manner that is worthy of Him.
God removes his Presence from a foolish people in order not to destroy them. When a nation is disintegrating it is a sign that God has given them over to their own folly. At such a time, the people of God should seek the LORD to return the nation to Him. The return begins in the House of God with God’s own people humbling themselves and seeking his favor.
Make sure you listen for His voice as you are seeking Him. When he speaks, make sure you obey.
Do not hastily remove yourself from his Presence. Follow his leading as you depart his Presence. As you go, be continually filled with the Holy Spirit. Let the awe of God guard and guide your steps.