Moses has just reminded the people that God delivered their fathers and some of them personally and the rest who were born in the wilderness after the crossing of the Red Sea from bondage to Pharoah in Egypt. He has exhorted them to be obedient to the commands of the...
THEME: There is succession in the out-workings of the Kingdom of God. It is important that we know our time and come into our own inheritance when the passing of the former generation leaves in our care the continuing maintenance of the holiness of God in the world. “And...
FI Y4 P. 43: MASEI (Journey—of the Children of Israel) DIVINE ORDER
THE THEME OF THIS DEVOTION: God is a God of order; His people are not amorphous but are structured according to his Divine Word—ultimately according to the Pattern of His Incarnate Son. The Mystery of the Kingdom of God is the inward formation of each of God’s people by the...
The Devil Said “Now!” But God Said, “Wait!”
Worried wrinkles creased the face of the young emergency room doctor. His eyes betrayed the emotions he tried to suppress as he cleared his throat. The sound of my heart was loud in my ears, and my mouth went dry when I heard his words. “Mr. Settel, I don’t know...
Walking Upside Down is Sometimes Right Side Up
Resurrection Sunday morning, the sun was anticipating its rise. Sydney was just entering the winter season, and the air was crisp with autumn coolness. The streets were darkened and my excitement vivid. I had begun my journey to the other side of the earth forty-eight hours before and was now...